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Letter: Can we drop this bit of phoniness?


In the Lima News lately Fred Steiner mentioned the "phony storefronts, trying to be a village" in towns other than Bluffton. I want to second the challenge to phoniness, by asking our friends right here for real honesty.

I went to our Community Market, whose manager and employees are both helpful and kind, to buy their advertised crab cakes, and hoped for information on a label about ingredients. Would crab be a minor part?


Letter - Thanks to Curling Iron staff - from Bluffton University baseball team


The 2012 Bluffton University Baseball team and coaching staff want to share appreciation to the stylists of the Curling Iron in Bluffton.

On Wednesday, Feb. 29, they shut their shop down during the lunch hour to come to campus and help us with our BaseBALD event for St. Baldrick's Foundation.

St. Baldrick's invests in childhood cancer research. Our team raised more than $8,000 for St. Baldrick's and on Feb. 29, we concluded our fundraising and awareness campaign by shaving our heads in support of children who have or have had cancer.


Letter: Viewer urges Bluffton voters to vote "Yes" for 1/4 percent tax on March 6

Dear Icon:

I urge Bluffton residents to join me in voting YES for the 1/4-percent income tax for water and sewer projects. If this passes it will be effective starting January 1, 2013, just one day after the existing 1/4 percent income tax for remodeling Town Hall will be terminated.

Your Bluffton income tax will not increase beyond what it is now because the proposed tax is the same percentage and based on the same sources of income as the tax that is ending.


Letter: I'm on the Icon almost daily

These pics are original mentors....explains a lot I guess!
I'm on the ICON almost daily.

Thanks Bob Steiner
[email protected]


Letter: So glad Icon exists


I just found this and am so glad it exists. I miss Bluffton and this will be a way to keep up with what is happening. Thank you for doing this site.

Ruth Whitt


Letter: Parent proud of BHS wrestling program


Have you ever stumbled upon something quite by accident, than over a period of time realized you found something worthwhile, something life-changing.

I am a Bluffton High School parent who has found that something! My son came to us his Sophomore year expressing an interest in joining the Bluffton High School wrestling team.

