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Letter: Choral opportunity in remembrance of Earl Lehman

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Anyone who sang with Earl Lehman in the past is welcome and encouraged to join the Chancel Choir at First Mennonite Church in order to sing at his memorial service, which will be held on Friday, October 7 at 2:30 p.m.

The rehearsal will be on Wednesday evening, October 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of First Mennonite Church.

The choir will be singing Mendelssohn's "He Watching Over Israel" and Rutter's "For the Beauty of the Earth."


Letter: Group interested in having a Bluffton High School swim team

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The Bluffton Summer Swim Coaches have tried yet again (with no avail) to persuade the Bluffton Exempted School District to allow a High School Swim Team the ability to perform with the sponsorship (non-monetary or the like) of Bluffton Schools.

The major argument against the installation of a Swim Team was that the District cannot fund another Varsity Sport. Our intent was to create a club team which would not require a financial backing from the school.


Letter: Heros


My son wrote this last year for English class at Trinity Lutheran School in Jenera. I thought it was very appropriate for the 9/11 anniversary. I think people should read it and realize our heroes are not football or basketball stars. They are ordinary people like you and me. It brings a smile to my face every time I read it so I thought it should be shared with the Bluffton community.

Linda Strahm



Letter: Thanks to all who supported the downtown flower pots

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We at Stratton Greenhouses would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2011 Bluffton Beautification Project. Because of your generous contributions, we were able to add five additional pots to extend the flowers throughout the entire streetscape project.

This year has been an extreme challenge with the heat. We have been watering every other day since May and fertilizing once or twice a week. We have used 6,300 gallons of water.


Letter: Bluffton American Legion Post 382 lists and thanks sponsors of golf outing

The American Legion Post 382 Bluffton, Ohio would like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous donation's for our 2nd annual golf tournament.

Without donors such as those listed below the Bluffton American Legion Post 382 would not be able to support our charities.

A special thank you to Richland Manor and Stratton's Auto for their above and beyond support of our golf outing.

Also a big thank you to the Bluffton Golf Course and to all of volunteers who helped make this golf outing such a big success.


Letter: Sunset Drive residents also experiencing "rust-colored" water

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Note: The attachment is located at the bottom of this story.

The attachment contains a copy of a letter addressed to Eric Fulcomer, President of the Bluffton Village Council dated March 3, 2011; a letter in response dated March 25, 2011 to Elfrieda Ramseyer from President Fulcomer and the official petition presented to the Bluffton Village Council through the Utility Committee composed of Dave Steiner and Jerry Cupples on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.

