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Letter: Enjoyed the Andrew Bixel interview

Message to Andrew Bixel:

My wife and I enjoyed the Bixel interview. My wife, Joy, is also a Hope College graduate, and I am a Bluffton College graduate. Small world. We have been married 45 years. Kindly pass along to Andrew that the liberal arts of both colleges make for an ideal relationship.

Thanks NSB,


Letter: I enjoy your book "A Good Place to Miss"


I've been browsing in "AGood Place To Miss" and having a fine time remembering my younger years. It was a great idea to compile it.

Phil Yost


Letter: Small business Saturday is a good time to think about what Bluffton offers

Icon viewers:

As we get closer to Christmas and all that gift giving, many Americans are becoming more concerned with "buying American." In Bluffton, buying American comes easy. There is an e-mail out in cyberspace that says gift certificates to small businesses are a good way to buy locally.

Everyone gets their hair done or needs their oil changed. Who doesn't like a night out to eat or see a movie? We could all use more time at the Gym (BFR) or if money is really tight, a certificate to the grocery store or gas station would be appreciated.


Letter: Social Work Club exceeds goal of collecting 500 canned goods

Icon viewers:

Bluffton University's Social Work Club would like to extend a gracious thank you for all who were involved in our Trick-or-Canning event.

This was an extremely successful event and we were able to exceed our goal of 500 items for the West Ohio Food Bank. We even received more nonperishable goods after our deadline!


Letter: I really enjoy the Icon


REALLY enjoy the Icon. Read it before the local paper. THANK YOU, too, for writing your book. I just want to read more! I limited my self to reading a small section every night before bed. Now that it is finished I feel it was a book that anyone who has lived or still live would enjoy.


Thank you from Bluffton Fire Department

Chief Jon Kinn and the members of the Bluffton Fire Department would like to express our deepest appreciation for all of the Bluffton community for attending our recent open house held at the fire station.

We would like to thank everyone who came out to enjoy our chili lunch and demonstrations throughout the day to help make the day a success. At the completion of the open house, we raffled off a quilt that was won by Linda Rumer. The proceeds from both the chili lunch and quilt raffle will be used for training and equipment costs.

