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Letter: The meaning of YOR 4 license plate

Icon viewers:

Miriam Rumsey just moved in to Maple Crest a week or so ago, from Otterbein-Cridersville. She doesn't have a computer and didn't know anything about the Icon, although she said she talked with somebody named Fred about the plate. She didn't know how to get in touch with you. Anyway, I asked her to write out the story of her license plate and I'd send it off to you. Here goes, in her words:


Letter: Thanks for your garage sale publicity


Thanks for your help with the publicity for the SHANNON Service Club garage sale. And the nice story on Friday morning was especially timely and very helpful. We had a great turnout!

Duane Bollenbacher
SHANNON Service Club


Letter: BHS junior class parents seeking post-prom business donations

Dear Area Business,
The parents of the Bluffton High School Junior Class are in the process of organizing Post Prom activities for Saturday, April 30, 2011. It is the responsibility of the Junior Class parents to sponsor and conduct this event for the BHS Junior and Senior Classes.


Letter: Asking support of death penalty vigil Thursday morning

Icon viewers:

Members from the Bluffton Community will gather Thursday at 9:45 a.m. on the Corner of Main and Cherry Street to speak out against the Ohio Death Penalty.

Frank Spisak is scheduled to be killed by the State of Ohio at 10am that morning. Those at the vigil plan to pray for Spisak as well as the victims of his racially-motivated crime: Rev. Horace Rickerson, Cleveland State University student Brian Warford, and Timothy Sheehan.


Letter: PTO thanks all Bakery Bingo supporters


A "Big Thank You" to the local businesses who donated and helped make Bakery Bingo 2011 a success:


Fan mail from Dutch Icon viewer Anje Jonker


I enjoy very much reading the Bluffton Icon on my computer. I lived in Bluffton from 1963-1965. I was a Dutch MCC-trainee working at the library of (then) Bluffton College.

Shortly after having arrived at Bluffton some people took me to a small local museum, not far from Bluffton. At that museum there were many appliances and old machinery which we still used every day on my parents' farm back in Holland. It was like living in two eras at the same time.

I enjoyed my time in Bluffton very much.

