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Letter: Township trustees will not permit us to continue our business

Icon viewers:

We are writing to inform the residents of Richland Township who have home businesses BEWARE! We own and operate a roll off and recycling business in a zoned business district in Richland Township.

The township trustees will not permit us to continue our business because we are violating the Zoning Regulations and state that we cannot operate in a business district. The zoning text that we have in this township does not state that we can or cannot operate our business.


Letter: Look for the truth, follow the money


This election is about The Poor vs. The Rich, Main Street vs. Wall Street, and Bigotry vs. Justice. I want to stand with the poor, local economies and to fight against racism, Islamophobia, and sexual discrimination. That gives me a straight Democratic ticket.

Unfortunately, this election is being fought with negative campaign ads that are outright lies, paid for by un-sourced and unlimited money. Why not just give up Democracy and let the top thousand richest people make the decisions? Sadly, that's kind of how it is already.


Letter: Concerning NPR decision to fire Juan Williams

Letter to the ICON from Wendy Chappell-Dick:


Letter: invitation to meet Connie Miller here Oct. 21

Dear Bluffton ICON,
Many of you know Connie Miller (, or have been hearing her name this election season.

Connie has agreed to come to Bluffton and we are hosting her at an event at the Bluffton Town Hall on Thursday, October 21 at 7:00 pm.


Letter: Vote for player of the week

Wondering if Icon supporters could help out Bluffton University be number one in this voting event?

A play from the Bluffton University volleyball team is part of a play of the week contest... the following is on the University's website which fully explains this. How neat would it be if Bluffton could be this week's winner. This week's voting is over on Wednesday. Bluffton's play is Play #1 on the website.
Vote for Bluffton in AVCA Play of the Week

October 7, 2010


Letter to the Icon: I'm impressed with Bluffton

I'm impressed with Bluffton


I'd like your readers to know about the Bluffton tour you gave me on a busy September day and how appreciative I am. I suspect you often do such things in the 'ambassador' line that no one ever learns about.

I'm writing a history of my small town in Ontario (Ridgetown), which has a lot of similarities with Bluffton. We're a college town with a couple auto-parts plants, located just off a major highway in the middle of beautiful farmland.

