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Ohio gun season runs Nov. 29 to Dec. 5

Photo and story by Joshua D. Stallings, Icon intern

As you walk outside with a cup of coffee, a frosty breeze hits your face and chills go down your spine as the trek for the morning paper begins. The rising sun sits on the fence slowly melting the frost off the dying grass.

For some, the morning started long before the sun was up. And instead of slippers and a robe, these people are wearing blaze orange and camouflage. Fall in northwest Ohio brings another season with it: Whitetail deer season.


15 minutes with Bluffton University student Josh Stallings

Josh Stallings, Bluffton University student

Fifteen Minutes with Josh Stallings, Bluffton University sophomore

Where are you from?
I'm from Attica. I'm a sophomore broadcast and journalism major.

Who was the first person from Bluffton who you met?
My roommate, Shawn Miller.

How many colleges did you visit in high school?
Three. Bluffton, Manchester and University of Toledo.


Bluffton Karate Center students win awards

Back from the left - Seth Shank, Angie Bateson, Ellen Landers. Front from left - Jake Colwell, Brady Boehm, Jack Bateson, Claire Bateson.


Students at the Bluffton Karate Center recently won several awards at a Karate contest.

Brady Boehm received 1st in Forms and 4th in Sparring. Ellen Landers received 2nd in Forms, 2nd in Weapons Forms, and 2nd in Sparring. Seth Shank received 1st in Forms and 2nd in Sparring. Jake Colwell received 1st in Forms.
Casey (not pictured) received 4th in Forms and 4th in Sparring. Jack Bateson received 2nd in Forms and 3rd in Sparring. Claire Bateson received 2nd in Froms and 4th in Sparring.


Richard Weaver, Richard Cookson Blaze parade marshals

2010 Blaze of Lights recognizes Bluffton Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Leaders during BSA's Centennial Year

Dr. Darrell Groman provided The Icon with information about the 2010 Blaze of Lights parade grand marshals. The marshals are J. Richard Weaver and Richard Cookson. They are being recognized for their contributions as adult leaders to the local boys of the Bluffton community as former Cubmasters of Bluffton Cub Scout Pack #256.


On the middle school honor roll

The first honor roll of 2010-11 from the Bluffton Middle School was recently released. To view the honor roll open the attachment on the bottom of this story.


3 generations span a half-century as Bluffton University students

Sarah Arn, daughter Christel Boysel, granddaughter Bethany Boysel

By Bethany Boysel, Bluffton Icon intern


While strolling along the winding paths at Bluffton University, I wonder how much of the campus is the same as when my mother was here, or even during my grandmother's years as a student here.

