Kendra Bermosk

First, give me a little back ground information:
When did you graduate from Bluffton University and what degree do you hold from there?

I graduated from Bluffton when it was still Bluffton College in 2001. I have a communications degree from there.

You live in Bluffton, right? Where?

Yes, I do live in Bluffton on Cherry Street.

Okay, now, one at a time, tell me about all of your jobs.

Tsedey Biru at home in Ethiopia

Bluffton's international flavor is one of this community's best-kept secrets. This is the first in a series of features on Bluffton University international students. The writer is Jessanna Buschur, first-year Bluffton student, a broadcast and journalism major. Bluffton alumni from the 1970s, may know her parents, Bob and Jenelle (Roth) Buschur.

Tsedey Biru
From Ethiopia
Senior at Bluffton University
Biology and chemistry major

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

One of the more prominent items in Mark Bourassa's office is a framed poster announcing the 1986 Olympics in Amsterdam. If you're an Olympics historian, you might remember that Amsterdam lost the bid for those games to Barcelona, making the "bid poster" something of a collectible.


Austin Arnold is the winter-spring Icon journalism intern from Bowling Green State University. The senior journalism major has written several feature stories for the Icon. His most recent tells about 5 Myles High's recent music CD. Here he interviews Paula Scott of the Friends of the Library. That feature will be posted later in the week.

Linda Baber Zwinski

Were you born in Bluffton? When did you graduate from Bluffton High School?

No, I was born in Lima and came to Bluffton in 5th grade. That was the year part of the grade school was at the high school and part I think at the college while the new grad school was being built. I was at the high school. I graduated from Bluffton in 1963.

Tell me some stories about your childhood -- school friends, teachers, funny stories about school or extracurricular.

On Feb. 16, Boy Scouts from Troop 256 along with a couple Weblo's worked hard in both Bluffton and Beaverdam to remove snow from around residential fire hydrants.

Scoutmaster Dan Groman had asked Bluffton Chief of Police Rick Skilliter if the scouts could help remove the snow from around the fire hydrants. He said, "Yes! We've only been able to clear every third hydrant. Their help would be greatly appreciated!"
