It's a certain sign of spring - grinding at the Spring Street recycling center is planned for later this month. According to Jamie Mehaffie, Bluffton village administrator, double-grinding of material at the dump will start on Feb. 20. He said that the grinding should take about 35 hours to complete.

Mehaffie also reported that so far this winter the village has purchased 67 tons of salt and 200 tons are in reserve.

Everett Collier, Bluffton's newest council member

Bluffton council removed its "vacancy" sign Monday evening. Bluffton's recently retired postmaster, Everett Collier was sworn in to fill the vacant council seat left when Eric Fulcomer resigned to become mayor.

Collier was appointed by council and was one of six persons interviewed for the opening last week, according to Dennis Gallant, council president. Because Collier fills a vacancy, his council term will be for two years instead of four.

Village of Bluffton Tax Forms for 2011 are available on the village website at under the Income Tax Tab.

Forms are also available in the front lobby of the town hall building at 154 N Main St. Effective beginning with the 2010 tax year, tax forms are no longer mailed out to each taxpayer unless specifically requested.

Bluffton council will hold a special meeting at 8 p.m., Monday, Jan. 30, in council chambers in the town hall, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator.

"The meeting has been scheduled for the following purposes: To appoint a new member to the village council, to consider legislation regarding an annexation, and to consider legislation pertaining to the adoption of the 2012 edition of the Ohio Basic Code," he said.

The council member appointment will fill the vacancy left when Eric Fulcomer resigned as a council member to become mayor.

Unlike previous winters, Main Street retail property owners will need to handle their own snow removal from their retail storefronts this winter.

Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, told Bluffton council on Monday that he has received some requests from downtown property owners involving snow removal that the village contracts out.

Brad Fruchey will lead the Bluffton school board in 2012. Fruchey was elected president of the board at its reorganization meeting held Jan. 11. Several other board appointments were made at the meeting.

Renee Smith was appointed to a vacant board seat for a two-year term.
