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Public Meetings

Council hands town hall mural project to sesquicentennial committee

Bluffton council deferred its historic town hall mural project to the Bluffton sesquicentennial committee on Monday.

At the time that the town hall renovation project was completed Oscar Velasquez, Bluffton artist, approached the council with the suggestion that he create a historic mural to be placed inside the town hall. The mural would more than likely be placed in the lobby area of the third floor.

No action was taken at the time of the original discussion, however council indicated an interest in seeing that the project go forward.


Presidents have their day after all - school cancelled

The presidents had their day after all. Monday, Feb. 21, was originally to be a holiday for Bluffton schools. Then, when the school system used its three cancellation days, Feb. 21 was placed back on the school calendar as a "school day."

Not so fast. At 5:56 a.m., the icy weather caused a two-hour delay. Then at 7:49 a.m., Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent, announced school was cancelled due to the ice.

Unless the Ohio legislature acts quickly, Bluffton's spring vacation in March will be cut short.


Council meeting: please pass the salt - if there is any to pass

When the snow piles go up the salt piles go down.

Bluffton's salt supply is about one bin full, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator. "We have two bins, which each hold nearly 75 tons of salt," he told Bluffton council on Monday night.

"We have ordered another 75 tons of salt. This would put us slightly over our reserve tonnage allotment for the year, but we would still have access to an additional 30 tons if we need it and our supplier has it available," he said.


Superintendent waiting for new Ohio governor to reveal school funding plans

"In the next few months we will know more from the new governor on his plan to fund schools over the next two years," writes Greg Denecker, Bluffton school superintendent, in the winter school district newsletter released to residents of the school district this week.

Denecker's first-page column added that what we currently know is that the State of Ohio will be looking to save around $5 to $8 billion depending on which estimate is used for the state budget projections.


Fire Department asks residents to clean snow from fire hydrants

The Bluffton Fire Department is asking for your help. With the recent snows, fire hydrants in the Village of Bluffton have become snow covered, according to Jon Kinn, fire chief.

"The fire department is asking that you help out by clearing the snow around the fire hydrants in your yard or in your neighborhoods," he said.

If you notice a hydrant in your neighborhood that needs cleaned please call 419-358-8606 and press option 1 and leave a message.

