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Public Meetings

2018 village budget's general fund projected at $2,925,690

Council holds its 2018 budget hearing Monday night

Bluffton council will hold its 2018 budget hearing at 8:15 p.m. Monday during the July 10 council session. The proposed budget projects a general fund with a beginning balance of $2,925,690. The budget contains 21 pages of information.

Once the budget is approved – it is a fiscal roadmap for the village - the council acts on 2018 appropriations. That action generally takes place in the final meeting of 2017. The appropriations are much more clearly defined that the budget.

The proposed budget is attached at the bottom of this story.


School intends to expand elementary playground

Skelly property purchased for $110,000

Watch this property. The house will disappear this year.

Bluffton’s school board announced the purchase of this residence on North Lawn Avenue owned by John R. Skelly, formerly of Bluffton. The purchase price was $110,000. In recent years the house served as a rental property.

According to Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent, the house will eventually be razed to expand the elementary playground.

“Our intention is to make this property a green space in the playground,” he told The Icon.


Public reception for new village administrator on Friday

Jack Huber starts his new job on Thursday

Bluffton native Jack Huber of Troy was hired as the new Bluffton village administrator earlier this month during a special council meeting.

Huber's first day on the job is Thursday. A public reception for Huber is from 1 to 3 p.m., Friday, in the town hall.

His salary will be $60,000 annually during a six-month probationary period. Following the probationary period council can consider a recommendation from the mayor for a salary increase up to an additional $5,000 per year.


Council announces committee meetings

Bluffton council has set several committee meetings. Those follow:

Wednesday, July 5, street and alley committee, 7 p.m.
Thursday, July 6, State Route 103 corridor study, 5:30 p.m.
Monday, July 10, public hearing on 2018 village budget, 8:15 p.m.
Monday, Aug. 14, public hearing on sidewalk connectivity, 8:15 p.m.


School board, BEA and OAPSA agree on three-year contract

2.9 percent annual pay increases approved

Bluffton school board approved a three-year collective bargaining agreement with the Bluffton Education Association (BEA) and Ohio Association Public School Employees (OAPSE) on Monday.

The agreement calls for a 2.9 percent pay increase each year effect July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2020, according to Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent.

In separate action, the board also approved 2.9 percent pay increased to its administrative staff of Denecker, Marden Herr, Kyle Leatherman, Michael Minnig, Paula Parish and Michael Wilson.


Tree Commission meets tonight

Bluffton Tree Commission will meet Monday, June 26, at 7 p.m, at the Town Hall at 154 North Main Street, Bluffton.

