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Public Meetings

New village administrator introduced at Monday's council meeting

Heavy agenda includes updates on several on-going village projects

Bluffton council has a heavy agenda on Monday.

Among agenda items include:
• Meeting the new village administrator
• Update on West Elm Street water line
• Update on Dominion gas line replacement on College Avenue
• Discussion of signage on I-75 overpass
• Alley that’s not an alley south of Mustard Seed Café explanation
• Augsburger Road lighting project
• Amstutz Drainage Group discussion
• Tax Incentive Review Council
• America in Bloom visit in July


Council utility committee meets June 27

Bluffton council's utility committee will meet at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 27, in the town hall, according to Judy Augsburger, mayor.


Former Bluffton resident Jack Huber named village administrator

Action in special council meeting on June 14

At a special Bluffton council on June 14, council voted unanimously to hire Jack Huber as Bluffton’s next village administrator. 

In a news release from the village, Huber, formerly from Bluffton, said that he is looking forward to working with the mayor, council, and staff and serving the community at large. 

Huber holds a bachelor’s degree in public administration and has a diverse professional and managerial background, working in both public and private sectors, according to the news release.


Bluffton council has personnel hiring meeting Wednesday

Will review water line project on Monday

Bluffton council will hold a special meeting at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, in the town hall, according to Nancy Kindle, village fiscal officer. The purpose of the meeting is personnel - hiring.

The village will review engineering proprosals for the West Elm Street water line project at 9 a.m., Monday, June 19.


No more stop signs at County Line railroad crossing

Only two very slow trains a day pass through town

The stop signs are gone.

The stop signs at the railroad crossing on County Line Road have been removed. There are now crossing signals there to warn traffic. On Monday Bluffton council will act on legislation to repeal the ordinance authorizing a penalty for failure to stop at the stop signs.

The stop signs were put in place in the 1980s after a fatal accident occurred at the crossing. Since that time frequency of trains has decreased to two a day and the speed of those trains is at a very slow pace.


Village intends to remove stop signs at County Line railroad crossing

Only two very slow trains a day pass through town

More more "Stop, Look and Listen" at the County Line Road.

Bluffton council plans to remove the stop signs on County Line Road at the Norfolk Southern Railroad, stating the signs are "no longer necessary."

The first reading of the legislation will be read on Monday. The stop signs were put in place in the 1980s after a fatal accident occurred at the crossing. Since that time frequency of trains has decreased to two a day and the speed of those trains is at a very slow pace.

