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Public Meetings

Bluffton schools ranks 35th in state

In 2016-17 school report card out of 608 school districts

DENECKER: "We performed very puts our district in the top 6% again for performance index."


State school report cards for the 2016-17 school year show Bluffton schools continue to attain remarkable results. The results were released by the Ohio Department of Education this week.

See charts below comparing:
• Bluffton with neighboring school districts
• Bluffton's scoring in several categories



West Elm Street water project "rough estimate" $450,000

West Riley Street structure demolition delay possible

Note: E-mail service to Bluffton village offices is sporadic, as many residents trying to e-mail village employees discovered last week.

The internet server went down last Wednesday and no e-mail was sent or received by the village until earlier this week.

The village is working with Perry Pro-Tech, its internet provider, to resolve the problem.

Monday’s council session
Bluffton council awarded the West Elm Street water engineering project to Choice One Engineering, Sidney, for – rough estimated - $450,000 on Monday.


Bluffton council meets in special session Thursday

6:35 p.m. meeting for personnel changes

Three special Bluffton council meetings, each held in the town hall, were announced today by Judy Augsburger, mayor:

• Streets and Alleys Committee meeting, Thursday Sept. 14, 5:30 p.m

• Special council meeting for Main Street closure for BHS homecoming parade, Thursday, Sept. 14, 6:30 p.m. (parade is Friday, Sept. 22)

• Special council meeting for personnel changes, Thursday, Sept. 14, 6:35 p.m.




Council questions village administrator

Concerning the handling of three village projects

Bluffton council had several questions for Jack Huber, village administrator, on Monday night.

The questions concerned the administrator’s handling, or mishandling, of three village projects:

• Absence of financial details in the council packet detailing the next village payroll

• Village Internet server

• West Elm Street waterline project

The conversation became a Village Administrator 101 lecture as Roger Warren, Joe Sehlhorst and Phil Talavinia quizzed the administrator on his handling of the three items.


Overnight trips for 7th, 8th graders on board agenda

School board meets Monday

Bluffton school board will act on two approval requests for overnight trips on Monday.

Action at the September board meeting includes:
• Oct. 11 through 13 outdoor school for 7th graders at Camp Berry, Arlington
•  May 21 through 24 trip to Washington, D.C., for 8th graders

In addition, several contacts, pay advances and assignments are on the agenda. Among those is a certified advancement for Kelly Yarnell from BA to 150 hours.


Bluffton council hires new village fiscal officer

Laura Ewing served as fiscal officer of both McComb and Mt. Blanchard

Bluffton council voted to hire a new village fiscal officer during a special council meeting on Sept. 6, according to Judy Augsburger, mayor.

The new employee is Laura Ewing. She currently is fiscal officer of both McComb and Mt. Blanchard.

Ewing is a graduate of Van Buren High School and the University of Findlay, where she obtained a double major in philosophy and law.

She replaces Nancy Kindle, who resigned on Aug. 14. Kindle was village fiscal officer from 2006 to 2017.

