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New to this year's Blaze: "Deck the Farm," and "FNB Gift-For-Good Exchange"

Two new special pieces make this year's Blaze of Lights very special. One is the premier performance of "Deck the Farm." Another is First National Bank’s “Kasasa Gift-For-Good Exchange.”

Here's the story behind both events.


Bluffton's favorite holiday - The Blaze of Lights - is Saturday!

The stage is set.

On Saturday Bluffton celebrates its favorite holiday - The Blaze of Lights. Sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, this is the 27th annual Blaze.

 Here is the up-to-the-minute Blaze information.


Downtown businesses have their own holiday decorating contest

We like to think that Bluffton’s many shops create the best Christmas decorated downtown of any small town in Ohio.

In addition to the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce’s residential lighting contest, a separate contest takes place for 41 downtown businesses.

The downtown contest operates differently from the residential contest. Competition downtown involves any business that has Christmas garland purchased two years ago through the chamber garland project.


"Small is Beautiful" - this year's residential lighting contest offers a prize for "minimal use of lights"


It's not necessarily the number of lights on your lawn - it's the holiday feeling your display evokes.

This year's Bluffton residential lighting contest offers several new judging catetories and "Small is Beautiful" is one of those categories.

Thanks to a $450 donation from First National Bank, Bluffton’s residential holiday lighting contest prize money totals $800 this year. First National’s donation is assisted courtesy of Kasasa, its rewards checking account partner.


Governor authorizes state disaster relief for Cloverdale and Jerry City

Today Governor John R. Kasich authorized use of State Disaster Relief funds to assist the Villages of Cloverdale (Putnam Co.) and Jerry City (Wood Co.) as they continue to recover from the severe storms and tornadoes that impacted Ohio on November 17, 2013.


Richland Manor host of Dec. 9 Senior Center dinner

The December Bluffton Senior Citizens dinner meeting, sponsored by Richland Manor, is free to members. The meeting is at at 11 a.m., Monday, Dec. 9, at the center, 132 N. Main St. Tickets must be reseerved by Wednesday, Dec. 4. 

Several other activities are planned in December at the Center. To view the December Center newsletter open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

