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Richland Manor Hope for Holidays Christmas raffle offers $650 in prizes

Richland Manor invites Icon viewers to participate in its Hope for the Holidays Christmas raffle.  The raffle benefits the Ada ReStore Community Center.

The raffle is already underway and viewers have until 4 p.m., Friday, Dec. 20, to participate.

Here how the raffle works:

Tickets are available from any Richland Manor employee or at Richland Manor, 7400 Swaney Road, Bluffton.


He's back! Saturday morning at Shannon Theatre!

Santa's coming back to town on Saturday,  Dec. 7. His visit, sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, takes place at the Shannon Theatre from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

As an added feature, Greg's Pharmacy will take complimentary photos of all youth on Santa's lap.

If you miss Santa this Saturday, no problem, he's returning on Saturday, Dec. 14, for one final visit. On the 14th he'll be in the lobby of First National Bank.

During his Nov. 23 visit, the Icon talked with Santa about lots of Christmas-related things. Here's part of that conversation.


What's for lunch in December in Bluffton schools?

What's for lunch in December in the Bluffton schools? Here's the menus.

Click here for elementary and middle school menu

Click here for high school menu


Toys for Tots donation boxes, food pantry collection in Bluffton schools

The Salvation Army has dropped off Toys for Tots donation boxes in the Bluffton Middle School and High School offices.

New unwrapped toys can be dropped off at both destinations through Thursday, Dec. 12.

The middle school Student Senate is sponsoring a food drive until Dec. 12.  Students may donate non-perishable food items (no glass, please).  All donated items will go directly to the Bluffton Food Pantry.  Each grade level has a goal.


Icon provides U.S. Postal Service holiday mailing deadlines

For Bluffton postal patrons wanting to know holiday dates for domestic mail deadlines and foreign mail, The Icon provides the following charts to assist in your planning.

Two charts, which are printer-friendly attachments at the bottom of this story, show dates so that you may get your packages and cards delivered on time.

Or, you may click here to open the U.S. Postal website, which lists all the deadlines.


Dec. 13 chamber breakfast and workshop topic: Social Security

Social Security is the theme of the Friday, Dec. 13, Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast. A complete, free breakfast will be served from 7 to 7:30 a.m. The breakfast meeting is from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.

