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David Rodabaugh speaker at Friday's chamber breakfast

2013 chamber membership sticker

Bluffton native David Rodabaugh, Lima attorney, is the December Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast speaker. His talk is part of a continuing series of recognizing persons with Bluffton connections who serve elsewhere in the county. The breakfast is in the third floor of the town hall on Friday, Dec. 9.

Breakfast serving starts at 7 a.m. and the program starts at 7:30 a.m. Richland Manor serves the free breakfast. Sielschott, Walsh, Keifer & Regula, Inc., certified public accountants, will sponsor the breakfast.


Canada's ocean playground

A family from Nova Scotia stopped at Common Grounds for some Bluffton coffee. The Icon spotted this plate in the waiting car.


December school menus, calendars now on Icon

What's for lunch? Here are the Bluffton school menus for December. Also available for Icon viewers are the respective building December activity calendars.

Click for high school menu

Click for elementary and middle school menu


Sunday open house features Premier Consultant Dixie Boss Hummel, Thirty-One Consultant Jenna Powell, Kaylynn's Kreations

Icon viewers are invited to an open house combined show with a three consultants held from noon to 3 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 4, at 2022 State Route 103, Bluffton.

The event will include Premier Consultant Dixie Boss Hummel, Thirty-One Consultant Jenna Powell and Kaylynn's Kreations, (homemade baked goods, cake pops, custom birthday cakes and much more). She will have samples for tasting.

During the event Premier is offering, buy any two items at regular price and get the third for half off.


Invitation to Icon viewers: Send us your favorite holiday recipes

When you think of Christmas and New Year's family traditions what favorite recipes come to your mind? Are they cookies, candy, pies, cakes or a one-of-a-kind treat?

We invite you to share those recipes with Icon viewers. Send us your favorite recipe...or two or three. We'll published them. Please identify yourself with your recipe. Also, if you wish, tell us a little about the background of the recipe. Where did it come from? What's so special about it?


Here's the list of recent births at Bluffton Hospital

The following births are reported from Oct. 13 to Nov. 21 from Bluffton Hospital: To view photos of these babies click here.

