Regional news

Pandor council received a quote of $21,000 from Tuttle Construction, Lima, to repair its EMS building. The announcement was made at the Sept. 13 council meeting.

Minutes from the meeting follow:

The Pandora Village Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, at 7:00 PM at the Municipal Building with Mayor, John Schlumbohm, presiding.

Members Present: Painter, Vance, Fricke, Hall, Stall
Members Absent: Blank

The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Gregus Smith of Schoolhouse Electronics, Bluffton, has donated a Smart Board to our the Hilty Memorial Home Child Care Center, according to Joy Reichenbach, administrator.

"We will implement the use of the technology called SMART Board interactive whiteboards instead of traditional chalkboards," she said.

The SMART Board is an interactive whiteboard which allows touch control of Microsoft Windows computer applications. The SMART Boards will be used for daily class lessons.

If we didn't know Donald Rock already had a vanity plate, we might think this is his. It's not. We welcome Icon views thoughts on this owner of this plate.

October is a busy month for the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. Here are some of the activities planned. The monthly dinner meeting is at 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 10, catered by the Mt. Cory United Methodist Church.

For a printer-friendly copy of the October newsletter open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Other events follow:

Medicare open enrollment periods have changed according to information from the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. Persons may now make adjustments or change their Part D plans from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7.

Bob Painter is a certified OSHIIP counselor and is available to provide assistance to persons with questions. He is available at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call the Center at 419-358-8971for an appointment.
