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Regional news

United Way still accepting donations

Although the door-to-door solicitation of the United Way of Bluffton, Beaverdam and Richland Township is completed, donations for the United Way are still being accepted.

This year's goal of $23,000 supports several local agencies including:


Second floor concrete poured at hospital

Several projects are on the schedule for the Bluffton Hospital construction during the week of Oct. 18.

Underground plumbing in the new Emergency Department is complete and plumbing inspection is scheduled. The electrical contractor has started underground electrical rough-in.

Second floor concrete has been poured. Concrete pads for oxygen and propane tanks and the new generator are being prepared along with part of the parking lot next to the alley. Various curbs in this area are also being prepared.


How many boys?

Here's a plate that's been around for several years. It is on a vehicle of the Frankart family.


Gift of Giving light show extravaganza seeks sponsors

Everyone loves the holidays in Bluffton. Here's one way persons interested in promoting Bluffton's various holiday light shows may help.

The Gift of Giving light show extravaganza - now in its third year to be displayed across from Harmon Field - invites the support of all area businesses, organizations and individuals. Sponsors are being invited to help defray costs of the show.


Friends of the Library will elect officers Nov. 3

Friends of the Bluffton Public Library will meet Wednesday, Nov. 3. According to Friends president Jan Potter, the meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. in the library's Richland Room. Officers will be elected for 2011 and finances for 2010 will be reviewed.

The organization will also discuss accomplishments from the past year and begin to coordinate volunteer activities planned for the upcoming year.

Some examples include the annual membership drive, a formal tea with Abe and Mary Todd Lincoln, spring and fall book sales, the Community Garage Sale, and a golf scramble.


OSU et al

This driver likes Ohio State, Defiance College (?), Bluffton University and the Shawnee Indians. The Icon saw it in the Citizens National Bank parking lot.

