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Regional news

The weather report: That's cool!

It's September. That's the month when activities in town heat up and the temperatures start to cool down. Here's the high and low temperature reading for the first six days of September, reported by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Low Precipitation

Sept. 1 91 69

Sept. 2 90 69

Sept. 3 79 62 0.04 inches

Sept. 4 72 52

Sept. 5 75 45

Sept. 6 86 59


BVH to open new women and children's center

Blanchard Valley Hospital (BVH), Findlay, is opening a new center for OB/GYN and pediatric care. The Women and Children's Center of Blanchard Valley Hospital will begin seeing patients Monday, Sept. 13 at their office located at 1818 Chapel Drive, Suite C, Findlay.

Obstetrics and gynecology services will be provided by Dr. Miguel Jordan, Dr. Mary Long, Dr. Kristi Pedler and Certified Nurse Practitioner Teresa Jones. Pediatric care will be provided by Dr. Ailing Chen.


Travel Class donation to library represents $1 for every year in its 110-year existence

Marilyn Bishop, president of the Bluffton Travel Class presents Cindi Chasse, Bluffton Public Library administrator, a check for $110. The check represents the 110th year in existence of the Travel Class.

The Bluffton Travel Class has issued an interesting challenge to Bluffton clubs and organizations. To help the Bluffton Public Library celebrate its 75th anniversary this month, the Travel Class has donated $110 to the library.


That state up north

That state up north offers its vehicle drivers some rather attractive license plate options. Here is one. The Icon spotted this plate in a university parking lot.


Hospital update: More steel installation

Work on the Bluffton Hospital construction project this week includes continuing the steel installation and framing of the two-story addition, which includes the new emergency department.

In addition, this week will see continuing masonry block installation for the interior elevator and stairwell, continuing the framing of new walls and hanging HVAC duct work for the new operating room.


Call the police

Here's a one-of-a-kind plate. It's on one of the Bluffton police cruisers.

