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Regional news

Ken's vehicle?

KENZ 10 has a Miami County "55" number. The Icon spotted it in a Bluffton University parking lot. Could this be Ken's car? Or is there another meaning?


Voting by mail begins soon

As summer turns to fall, Election Day is upon us. And thanks to No Fault Absentee voting, any Ohioan who is registered to vote can now do so by mail.


You are invited to The Icon party 6-7 p.m. today

Guess who's throwing a first anniversary party... and it is today.

The Bluffton Icon, Bluffton's free on-line news source, celebrates its first anniversary with a party at Common Grounds.The event, open to the public, is from 6 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 22, the actually anniversary date that the website went live in 2009.


Enjoy the last day of summer

Enjoy the last day of summer. During the final week of summer the high temperatures were stuck in the 80s and the lows in the 50s. Here are the highs and low for Sept. 14 to 20, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date High Temp Low Temp Prec

Sept. 14 82 52

Sept. 15 80 51

Sept. 16 81 58 0.25

Sept. 17 68 54


Born in '57

The Icon saw this plate in front of the Shannon Theatre earlier this week. It's from Putnam County, but we have no idea of its meaning.


Smart Hearts meeting set for Oct. 4

Smart Hearts, a heart health education and support group at Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay, will hold a meeting Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. in the BVH Marathon Auditorium.

The meeting topic, presented by the Blanchard Valley Sleep Disorders Center, will be "Sleep Apnea - Does It Really Haunt Your Heart?"

This presentation is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Kathy Russell at 419.423.5153 or [email protected].

