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Regional news

7 inches of snow here from Feb. 9 to Feb. 15

Not counting snowfall on Feb. 16, the Bluffton area has seen slightly over 7 inches of snow fall since Feb. 9. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, 5 inches fell on Feb. 9, 1.5 inches fell Feb. 10 and .7 inch fell Feb. 15.

Meanwhile, high temperatures could not break freezing and the lowest low hit minus 1 on Feb. 15.

In addition, traces of snow were reported on Feb. 11, 12 and 13. High and low temperature readings from Feb. 9 to 15 follow:

Date High Low


Workplay Publishing Co. Icon's newest advertiser

Workplay Publishing is the newest advertiser in The Bluffton Icon. The Bluffton-based book publishing company is owned by Andre Swartley, 137 N. Mound St.

The book publishing company became a reality last summer. Workplay seeks non-fiction and fiction works from authors.

"I hope to help people like myself who have finished manuscripts (publish their works as a book)," he said. "I love to discover new writers with new talents who have the patience to get to a professional level."


A statement of faith


This license plate reflects a Christian religious theme. We spotted it behind Common Grounds.


Warning: Phone calls from "local fire departments" is a scam

It has been brought to our attention that an organization is calling
residents of Bluffton and possibly Beaverdam and Richland Township asking
for donations to support your local area fire departments.

Bluffton Fire Department and Beaverdam-Richland Township Fire Department are not affiliated with this organization in any way. If you receive a phone call regarding this issue please attempt to obtain the caller's name and phone number and contact your police department.

Chief Jon Kinn
Bluffton Fire Department


I'll have my Idaho potato mashed, please

Idaho license plate on Vine

It is really a stranger in these parts. When was the last time you saw an Idaho license plate in Bluffton? We spotted this one on Vine Street.


A Hancock County Eagle Scout


We can't translate the initials, but we do know this plate belongs to a proud Eagle Boy Scout from Hancock County. The plate was spotted in the Bluffton University parking lot.

