
"The Manger Seen," a Christmas pageant by Peter and Arden Mead, will be presented by the children's Sunday School of English Lutheran Church, Sunday, Dec. 18, at 10:15 a.m.

In the drama, a family tells the story of the birth of Jesus while they set up their nativity set. At the same time a living, costumed tableau is formed in front of the congregation.

The family, the nativity tableau, and the congregation interact through
Christmas carols marking the change of scenes in the drama.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Choir will present "Night of the Father's Love," a Christmas musical celebration, on Sunday, Dec. 11, at both the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.

The cantata is a worshipful and beautiful telling of the Christmas story with music and narration. Pastor Jeff Bolwerk will speak the narration with Trinity's 30-voice choir singing of the anticipation of Jesus' coming, the angel's announcements to Zechariah, Mary and Joseph, Jesus' birth, the shepherds seeking the newborn King, their worship of Him and closing with "Christ is Born, Nowell."

Ebenezer Mennonite Church children's choir, Disciple Singers, will present the Christmas musical "Angels we have Heard" Sunday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m.

Join Sam, Halo, Slim, Skyler, Holly, and a host of angels as they prepare to make the biggest announcement ever-the birth of Jesus. As the heavenly host prepare for the big day, they think it should be announced in Paris or Rome, anywhere but Bethlehem. Nothing ever happens in Bethlehem.

Lorenza Andrade Smith, a United Methodist pastor and advocate for immigrants, is the guest speaker during a 7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 8, program in the Assembly Room, First Mennonite Church.

The session's focus is on the DREAM Act and the broader issues of immigration, naturalization and human rights in churches.

The second Advent service at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jenera will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 7. The theme is "He Comes the Messiah Long Foretold" and Pastor Jeff Bolwerk's message will focus on Jesus as our High Priest. The choir will sing "A Star of Jacob."

Senior High Youth of First Mennonite, Bluffton, are taking orders for Christmas candy. Youth are offering the following:

Buckeyes, $5 a dozen
Turtles, $5 a dozen
White chocolate peppermint bark, $4, appx. one-third pound
Chocolate covered pretzels, $4 appx, one-third pound
Dark chocolate Christmas clusters, $4 a dozen

The deadline for orders is Dec. 12. Orders may be picked up on Sunday, Dec. 18 following the morning worship or following the children's Christmas program that evening.
