
Community dinner at Senior Citizen Center

The next Bluffton Area Ministerial Association community dinner is Thursday, Dec. 17, at 6 p.m.. The dinners are open to the public for the purpose of food, fellowship and fun. Dinners are from 6 to 6:45 p.m., at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, Main Street.

Participating congregations prepare the meals, which will continue through March 18, 2010. The Dec. 17 dinner is hosted by the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.

Baptist live nativity

The Bluffton Baptist Church's 26-year Christmas tradition of holding a live nativity continues on Friday, Dec. 11. The nativity, located in the church parking lot at 345 County Line Road, may be viewed from 7 to 9 p.m. on Dec. 11. One final viewing will be Saturday, Dec. 19. This photo was from the Blaze night show.

Hostetler wall hanging

Marty Hostetler created this manger scene applique on a batik background wall hanging, which is part of the First Mennonite Church "come to the nativity" exhibit.

Over 304 nativity sets from 40 members of the congregation are on exhibit in the church Fellowship Hall. Friday, Dec. 11, is the final day of the show.

The exhibit inlcudes nativity tree ornaments, nativity scenes, wall hangings and a wind chime and mobile. Nativity sets are from around the globe. Some were created by members of the congregation.

First Mennonite Church's senior high school youth fellowship is taking orders for Christmas candy.

The youth will create Buckeyes at $4 per dozen; turtles at $4 per dozen; white chocolate peppermint bark at $4 a dozen and peanut clusters at $4 a dozen.

Orders are due by Dec. 17, according to Alison King, youth advisor. Orders will be available on Sunday, Dec. 20. Paymetn is due at pick-up time. All proceeds go toward the high school's service trip to Mashulaville, Miss., to work with Pine Lakes Mennonite Camp.

The next Community Meal sponsored by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association is at 6 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 3, at the Senior Citizen Center.

First Mennonite Church will prepare and serve the meal, which includes beef and vegetable stew (vegetarian option also), cornbread and honey, fresh fruit and lemonade, tea/coffee.

The meal is open to the public. Donations are accepted and go to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program's food pantry.

Grace Mennonite Church, 502 E. Main St. in Pandora will be having a book sale on Friday, Dec. 4, from 6:30-8:30 and Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. - 1p.m.

Faith and Life Books and Gifts from Berne, Ind., will bring a variety of books including children, youth, adult books, commentaries, Bibles, and cookbooks. Christmas items, Advent devotionals, CD's, and gift items will also be available.
