Bluffton University’s Office of Adult and Graduate Studies has launched a new social media site. Click here to visit the site.
The site features blog articles; videos of Bluffton adult students, faculty and staff; and information about the university’s undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Designed to be a resource for adult students looking to return to school while continuing to work, the site offers tips on work/life balance and career choices while also explaining Bluffton’s one-night-a-week programs.
“Value-added” measures now in use as part of Ohio’s state report card and teacher evaluation systems will be Dr. Sarah Cecire’s topic for a Bluffton University colloquium at 4 p.m. on Friday, February 14.
Cecire, a professor of education at Bluffton, will address “Value Added: What Is It, and How Can It Be Used to Improve Schools?” in Centennial Hall’s Stutzman Lecture Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public.
It’s official: CG Pro Bikes now has a Main Street Bluffton address.
That announcement makes many Bluffton area bike riders very happy. In addition, it brings a retail store to downtown Main Street, which will attract more area and out-of-town shoppers to downtown Bluffton.