All Bluffton Icon News

Icon Coffee-dunking Oatmeal Cookies

These aren’t your grandmother’s oatmeal cookies.

When I bake cookies I usually try to use something that I’m just about out of, so I can get rid of the container. Tonight I noticed that I have what appears to be three cups of oatmeal left in the oatmeal cylinder, so, why not try some oatmeal cookies – I thought.

It’s 15 degrees out; I’m hungry and need something to dunk into milk or coffee. Not one to follow the recipe, I’ve used poetic license, thus inventing Icon Coffee-dunking Oatmeal Cookies.

Here goes.

A white-breasted nuthatch fills up on peanuts in its regular upside-down eating stance during a winter day in a local bird feeder.

A white-breasted nuthatch fills up on peanuts in its regular upside-down eating stance during a winter day in a local bird feeder.

Do you handle snow removal for residents or businesses? The Bluffton Icon is providing a free list of area persons and businesses handling snow removal.

Send you name and phone number as soon as possible to: [email protected]

We'll post your information below!

SS plowing

Scott Slaughterbeck

210 N. Lawn Ave.


Patriot Concrete
Phil Shank


After a week of cancellations, delays and rescheduling, it appears that life is getting back to normal in Bluffton. Here's the calendar of events taking place at Bluffton High School.

The Bluffton Lions Club is sponsoring a pancake/sausage breakfast from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Middle School cafeteria. 

"The Lions are encouraging all ages to attend. A donation for the meal will be received at the door. This will go toward projects provided by the Lions throughout the community. We also will offer a free breakfast to student athletes who will be accompanied by an adult," Barbara Plaugher of the Lions informed The Icon.
