All Bluffton Icon News

The St. John's United Church of Christ February newsletter is now posted on the Icon. Viewers may read it by opening the attachment at the bottom of this story.

The Allen County Health Department is ringing in the New Year with a new name and a new website.

“Our new name better reflects what we do and highlights our Public Health mission to prevent disease, promote good health and protect the health of our community,” said Kathy Luhn, Health Commissioner.

The Board of Trustees of Bluffton Public Library has announced its meeting schedule for 2014. Meetings will be held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the library's Riley Board Room at 145 South Main St., Bluffton. No meetings will take place in July or December.

Board members are Elizabeth Hostetler, president; Bob Beer, vice president; Carrie Phillips, secretary; Emily Goldsberry, Amy Lehman-Mikesell, Robert Scott and Nancy Yeager. The meetings are open to the public.

I enjoyed Ron Habegger's perspective on the 1958 BHS football team… he was right “we were making memories.”

What he didn’t say was that this team was considered (in 1958) one of the best BHS football teams ever. This was a time before there were state rankings or a playoff system. There were less then 30 members on the team which, required starters to go both ways, but there was a lot of depth in positions and everyone played.

Icon viewers:

A Facebook conversation about former Bluffton pizza places had me wondering: Can we come up with a list of names and locations from the past 20 or 30 years? 

Aside from Pisanello's, Domino's, and That 50's Place, a few others have been mentioned -- some of which I remember, others I am not so sure (KZ? Mr. B's?). 

In particular, I've been trying to come up with the name of a pizza place from the mid-1980s that had "dots" on the side flaps of the box, which you could collect to earn a free pizza. 

The Bluffton Lions club is offering two $500 educational scholarships this spring to graduating seniors in the Bluffton, Pandora-Gilboa or Cory-Rawson school districts. 

Interested students should contact their school guidance counselor for an application and more information.
