All Bluffton Icon News

On Monday morning the Beaverdam-Richland Fire Department responded to a house fire with the Cairo fire department. The firemen ended up covered in nearly an inch of ice. To view more photos click here.

On Monday, Jan. 6, Beaverdam-Richland Township Fire Department responded to a house fire with Cairo. The firemen ended up covered in nearly an inch of ice. The first picture is of Ed Montgomery's safety vest frozen and standing on its own.
- Sent to the Icon by Amy Mortimer

Ohio's minimum wage increased on Jan. 1, 2014.

The minimum wage rose 10 cents to $7.95 per hour at the start of the new year. For tipped employees, the new minimum increased 5 cents per hour to $3.98.

The increases were mandated by Ohio voters who in 2006 approved an amendment to the state constitution that links the minimum wage to inflation.

The Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers rose 1.5 percent during the period used to calculate wage increases. A year ago, Ohio's minimum wage jumped 15 cents at the beginning of 2013.

Although school is off to a slow start in January, the January Bluffton school lunch menus are now posted on the Icon.

Click here for the elementary and middle school menu.

Click here for high school menu.

Bluffton Exempted Village Schools will have a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, Jan. 29.  Teachers and administrators will work on the implementation of the new “Common Core Curriculum Standards” with “Formative Instructional Practices.”  

Teachers and administrators will be receiving over 25 hours of training this school year to prepare for this future state adopted curriculum.

Bluffton Senior Citizens will hold their traditional evening monthly dinner meeting at noon in January. The meeting is at noon, Monday, Jan. 13, at the center. For a complete list of January senior citizen events, open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story. It is a copy of the January center newsletter
