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Ten Thousand Villages, 115 S. Main St., Bluffton, has a special offer of silverburst vases handcrafted in India, according to Aphaphanhn Nussbaum, manager.

"The vases create a home that reflects your heart - aglow with holiday spirit, authentic and unforgettable," she said.



November was colder than normal, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

The normal daily November temperature average is 41.5 degrees. The 2013 November daily average was 38.3 degrees. This November was also wetter than normal. The normal November precipitation is 3.16 inches. The November 2013 preciptation was 2.04 inches.

For a look at the entire month's high and lows and precipitation open the attachement at the bottom of this story.


Matt Foltz bowled a 288 for the adult high score of the week at Southgate Lanes. Meanwhile Jayden Foltz had the highest youth bowling score with a 173 in Hot Shots League.

For all the high scores of the week at Southgate open the attachments at the bottom of this story.

Sue Kinn, Bluffton, took home a beautiful Christmas silk centerpiece in Town and Country's recent Christmas open house drawing. 

Town and Country Flowers is Bluffton's hometown florist (next to Shannon Theatre) and proud to be voted Region's  Best Florist.

The shop carries  a large selections of Christmas and everyday gifts and home decor, silk arrangements and wreaths, plants and the freshest flowers  in the area.

First Mennonite Church children and youth Christmas program is at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 15. The musical "The Surprising Christmas Pageant," will be presented. Children from nursery through senior high are involved in staging the production.

The service is in the church sanctuary.



The Gomer Congregational Church will host this month’s Lincoln Highway Association Western Ohio Chapter meeting. 

The meeting is at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 17, at the church, 7350 Gomer Road, Gomer, one block south of the Lincoln Highway.

After attendees order dinner individually from Uncle Al's menu, there will be a presentation about Admiral Byrd's Snow Cruiser that crashed through a bridge in Gomer in 1939.  After the presentation, members will visit the Gomer Welsh Community Museum.  The public is invited.

