BFR begins its 35th year of recreational programming this fall, according to Carole Enneking, director.
BFR offers fitness options, sport conditioning and development programs, plus leagues for adult and youth. BFR Sports & Fitness was established in 1978 as a non-profit organization that would provide a variety of activities, classes and leagues for the Bluffton area.
There's a new warning sign in town. It alerts drivers on Augsburger Road that persons cross the road from Willow Ridge to Maple Crest. The signs were installed recently by the village.
French Impressionist painter Claude Monet would have loved this scene of wild flowers. You can see it, too. It's in the front lawn at 7333 County Line Road, south of Bluffton.
Confused by the Aug. 19 letter you may have received from AEP Ohio? Don't be.
Most Bluffton AEP Ohio users received the letter informing them that a switch is being made from AEP to Firstenergy Solutions Corp. as their new electricity supplier.
As we are closer to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the opening of the Public and Private Health Insurance Exchanges starting Oct. 1, there are still many missing pieces to the puzzle, according to Daryl Steiner of Steiner and Granger Insurance and Financial Services.
"Steiner and Granger, will do its best to help put those pieces in place for our current and future clients as we move forward into this new era of healthcare insurance," Steiner told The Icon.
Dean's Arco Sinclair, once a filling station in Bluffton, serviced customers at the corner of College and Main. The Bluffton Public Library parking lot now covers the location of the station.
Here's an advertisement from Dean's in the 1970 Bluffton High School Buccanneer.