Friday afternoon a Bluffton Icon viewer notified The Icon that a fox was shot by Bluffton police between Tom Fett Road and the Maple Grove Cemetery earlier today.
Upon contacting Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief, Skilliter told The Icon: “I can confirm one animal determined to be an ill fox was destroyed and buried by village crews earlier today.”
The Bluffton High School marching band will offer a free show to the public at 6 p.m., Friday, on the Harmon Field practice field, according to Dave Sycks, director.
From there, the band will go to the Allen County Fair and will perform in the band show at the grandstand.
Forget the mystery beast for a moment. The most important news in Bluffton to all elementary students and their parents is the list posted on the elementary school doors. The list reveals what classrooms students will be in during the 2013-14 school year.