This is a story in the continuing series of stories written by BHS art students. The stories involve a story with photos.
Students at Bluffton High School recently painted rain barrels for a decorating contest being sponsored by the Blanchard River Watershed Partnership.
The students will be painting the barrel,s which will be set up so people can sit around them, but they will also be judged. The barrels are going to be shown at Findlay Village Mall from Wednesday, May 1, through Saturday, May 4.
This week The Icon talked with third graders, Neo Walther (Mrs. Kingsley’s class), Justin Bishop (Raeburn), Brooklyn Smallwood (Bogart) and Kaden Basil (Armstrong).
Is fourth grade going to be more difficult than third grade?
Brooklyn: It’s going to be harder. Neo: Harder tests and harder homework. We’ll have three papers to do. Justin: We’ll switch classes. Kaden: It’s a pain to switch that quick. (Switch classes)
Lawn Avenue and Grove Street had close shaves on Mondays. Grinding of those pavements took place in anticipation of the streets being repaved. WATCH THE VIDEO.
Here's a glass negative contact print taken close to what was called "Gratz Crossing," south of Bluffton taken sometime in the early 1900s. The rails are the Western Ohio Railway. Note the poles and wires. The line was electric. The brick house on the far right of the photo stands today. Its location is on North Dixie Highway where the road turns east to cross Interstate 75.
Earth Day was the perfect day for third and fourth year pharmacy students from Ohio Northern University to present a program at Maple Crest, Bluffton, on the proper use of prescription drugs and the proper disposal of out-of-date medications, which includes the issue of environmental protection.
The students are members of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP), an organization that specifically focuses on “empowering pharmacists to enhance the quality of care for all older persons through the appropriate use of medication and the promotion of healthy aging.”