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It resembles a sign from Roman antiquities. Yet, it's in Bluffton, and you've stepped over it lots of time. Maybe you never looked down. It's there. But where? 

For the answer, check the photos below this story.

Jamie Mehaffie, Bluffton village administrator, will update Bluffton council on a possible study of the State Route 103 corridor from Main to the interstate. HIs update will take place at Monday's council meeting.

Mehaffie said, “After having initial discussion with the Lima Allen County Regional Planning Commission I had a preliminary meeting with an engineering firm last week. The meeting was to consider a study of the State Route 103 corridor from Main Street to Interstate 75.”

Early Birds Junior League   
Scores bowled on: Feb.16
Boys High Game

TJ Washer      121
Austin Bolander     109     
Levi McClain     100
Ethan Oglesbee      85   

Girls High Game
Jasmine Rewakowsky    112
Lacey McClain      98
Caitlin Dailey      93
Tori May       78  

Boys High Series (2 Games)
Austin Bolander     211
TJ Washer      204
Levi McClain     180
Ethan Oglesbee    

When you think of Main Street Bluffton in the spring and summer do petunias come to mind? While it’s February, it’s time to stop what you are doing and think about smelling the flowers.

According to Susie and Steve Stratton of Stratton Greenhouses, "This will be the seventh year for providing the potted plants on Main Street. We appreciate providing this service to the community and are grateful for all the sponsors and contributors. We have received countless comments about how the plants make the downtown more attractive. 

Jenna Downey checks out the garage sale bargains at The Centre. The SHANNON Service Club's annual two-day garage sale concludes on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy has saved small businesses $2.4 billion in first-year regulatory costs, according to a new report published today. 

The Report on the Regulatory Flexibility Act FY 2012 released by the SBA Office of Advocacy – an independent office tasked with involving small businesses in the federal regulatory process – details the office’s work in minimizing the impact of federal regulations on small businesses over the past fiscal year.
