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Here's perhaps the most frightening Bluffton post card of all time. The identification line on the right reads: The burning oil tanks Bluffton Ohio (publishinged by Sidney Hauenstein).

Sorry to say, we know nothing about this fire. The message side of the card does not clearly show the postmarked year. The message has nothing to do with the fire. It reads: Have forwarded box of fresh prunes from Santa Rosa, Ca. for yourself from Gwendolyn Lenore and Mary (?).


Zoe [Hauenstein]


My husband and I have noticed lately that a lot of people seem to be using Maple Grove Cemetary as a dog park. There have been several instances where we have gone out there and have seen people walking their dogs or just letting them run freely.

We have also witnessed someone letting their dog run around urinating on headstones while the owner just walked around talking on their cell phone.


My husband and I have noticed lately that a lot of people seem to be using Maple Grove Cemetary as a dog park. There have been several instances where we have gone out there and have seen people walking their dogs or just letting them run freely.

We have also witnessed someone letting their dog run around urinating on headstones while the owner just walked around talking on their cell phone.

Good Friday observance

Rev. Kevin Mohr, pastor of English Lutheran, reads scripture during the opening of the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association's Good Friday procession of the cross. Click for a video.

Volunteer reception at Ebenezer Mennonite Church

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio honors its many volunteers during a late March volunteer reception at Ebenezer Mennonite Church.

According to Mary Ann Ring, director of volunteers for MHCO, during 2011 more than 240 volunteers contributed over 6,000 hours of time.

"At the annual MHCO Volunteer Reception, we celebrate all volunteers," said Ring. Volunteers assist at all MHCO campuses including Mennonite Memorial Home and Maple Crest Senior Living Village.

Jane Kurtz inherited a love of reading from her parents and grandparents, and she has passed it on, not only to her children-and now grandchildren-but also to people she doesn't even know.

Kurtz, a writer, has done it through her children's books, many of them set in Ethiopia, where she grew up. She has also shared her passion through Ethiopia Reads, a nonprofit effort to get books to, and create libraries in, the East African nation.
