The Ohio High School Athletic Association's Board of Directors held a special meeting on Friday, March 23, and approved five additional items to place before the membership during the annual referendum voting process that will be held between May 1 and 15.
Among the items that will be voted upon by member school principals is a slightly revised Competitive Balance Proposal that, if adopted, would place schools into their respective tournament divisions in team sports based on a sport-by-sport athletic count.
Rikuto Sato (right), fifth grader at Wilson Vance Intermediate School, Findlay, helps Trey Paxton, Bluffton fourth grader, with his paper hat during a "Children to Children" program April 2 at Bluffton University. Sato, 11, was in a group of Japanese children who came to campus for the program with Bluffton fourth graders. Meeting in Burcky Gymnasium, the Japanese children taught their Bluffton peers origami, how to write and speak some Japanese, and a game using chopsticks.
Tickets are available from several Bluffton businesses and members of a Bluffton Relay for Life team for a Bluffton's Relay for Life raffle.
Prizes include:
o Create your own weekend getaway, a $500 value, provided by Bluffton Travel Agency and Great Connections Logistics, Inc.
o Six months of tanning or skin rejuvenation, a $350 value, provided by Polished Nail and Body Salon.
oFlower arrangement of the month club, a $420 value, provided by Panache Floral and Interiors.
Hilty Memorial Home, Pandora, recognized two of its long-time supporters, Marvin and Lucy Diller, by dedicating a wing of the retirement center in their honor.
On March 31 the "Transition To Home" Wing was dedicated in honor of Marvin and Lucy Diller, according to Joy Reichenbach, administrator.