Christy Howe, Pandora-Gilboa senior, "The Hunger Games" fan enjoys the Bluffton Public Library's spa earlier this week. Lots of Hunger Game fans will standing in line Thursday night for tickets for the midnight premier at the Shannon Theatre. Click for a video.
There could be a long line at the Shannon Theatre on Thursday. It might go all the way back to the Et Cetera alley, or Common Grounds.
Those in the queue await the midnight (actually, 12:01 a.m.) and premier showing of "The Hunger Games." It could be this generation's Harry Potter. Whatever it is, the first movie in this three-book series has its share of fans. Lots of them. The film, rated PG-13, is based on Suzanne Collin's best-selling trilogy.
There's still time to sponsor one of downtown Bluffton flowerpots for this summer.
Stratton Greenhouses handle the beatification project and in cooperation with the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce invites persons to participate in seeing that the flowerpots become a reality.
Remember the Bluffton Relay for Life Cookbook of two years ago? It's sold out...but volume two is on the way, according to Lynda Best of Village Cut 'n' Curl.
"We are collecting Bluffton's favorite recipes for our next cookbook," said Best. "We want all types of recipes."
Persons wanting to be part of the latest Bluffton cookbook may mail or drop off recipes at: Village Cut 'n' Curl
212 Cherry St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
A door mail box slot is avialable for after-hour deliveries.
The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library group is accepting donations for a spring book sale to be held from April 26 to April 30 at the public library, 145 S. Main St., Bluffton.
Hardbound and paperback books in good condition are being accepted for the sale, as well as original copies of audiovisual material (audio books on CD, compact disks and DVDs) that are in cases.