All Bluffton Icon News

Young artist

Nicholas Jebsen, Bluffton third grader, created this art piece on exhibit at the Bluffton Public Library. March is student art month. The library is display many art creations from Bluffton and Cory-Rawson artists. Click for more art.

Check out the new coupon offer from Padrone's Pizza, Bluffton.
o 14-inch specialty pizza (or pizza with up to 5 items), $10
o 18-inch, 1-item pizza and large breadsticks, $15
o 12-inch, 2-item pizza and 6 cheese cheezy bread, $10.25

Also, try Padrone's new wing sauce:

o Bayou cajun
o Roasted garlic
(add these to any order and get 10 wings for only $5)

Use the printer-friendly coupons attached to this story for these offers. Coupons expire April 30, 2012.

It's student art month and the Bluffton Public Library is displaying some future Rembrants. Art works by Bluffton and Cory-Rawson art students are on display. Here's a sampling.

Peter Suter of Shannon Theatre announced that "The Hunger Games" (PG-13) will be premiering at the theatre from March 23-29. There will be a midnight premiere on Friday morning 12:01 am. Tickets for the midnight show go on sale at 11 pm on Thursday, March 22.

Show times follow:

Each evening at 7 and 9:30 PM with Saturday and Sunday matinees at 1:30 and 4 PM.

Sixth grade strings rehearse for Friday's event

As they say "Get them while they're hot." Tickets are going fast for Friday's Bluffton Music Boosters chicken barbecue and shrimp dinner at the middle school.

The meals and music take place Friday, March 23, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. (or sell out) at the middle school cafetorium.

Tickets are now $7 each and are available at Greg's Pharmacy and at the middle school and high school offices. This year's meal includes one-half chicken (or seven pieces of shrimp), potato salad, applesauce, dinner roll and a drink.

The Bluffton University Camerata Singers will present its concert, Precious Lord Take My Hand, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 1, in the sanctuary at First Presbyterian Church, 2330 South Main St., Findlay. The concert, part of the church's 32nd Concert Series, is free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be received.

Camerata Singers was established in 1984 as an outgrowth of a larger mixed choir. The Italian meaning of Camerata is company - a small group that meets for artistic reasons.
