Letter: What do do with those plastic Suter's buckets
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Ever wonder what to do with those plastic buckets from Suter's Strawberries?
Here are some ideas:
1. soak stained clothes overnight
2. collect waste water when you're brushing your teeth/washing up and pour it into the toilet for a recycled top-flush (it works!)
3. gather veggie scraps by your sink for the compost pile
4. make a car kit for your kids with coloring books, games and crayons for your summer vacation
5. use it to keep your glue gun and all your extra glue in one place
6. gather rainwater for houseplants
7. hold unmatched socks in purgatory
8. collect pine cones, buckeyes and shells for crafts
9. mix paint
10. save it till next summer, take it out to Suter's and re-fill it for a discount on your strawberries!
Wendy Chappell-Dick