After 37 years in the nursing home profession

By Monty Siekerman
FROM ADA ICON - Vancrest Administrator and Bluffton resident Randy Cox will retire at the end of the year to enjoy life with his family and do more traveling and golfing. He might be considered young to retire (58) and looks even younger, but has been in the nursing home business for 37 years.

Randy spent a year deciding on staff and purchasing furniture and equipment for the nursing home in Ada prior to its opening.

Then the big day arrived, a grand opening of a $6 million facility that has been a positive impact on the community. The Christmas season has proven how well-accepted the nursing home has become since many groups have sung carols there and the residents have received fruit baskets from many organizations. There is a good relationship between the nursing home and the community.

The Ada Vancrest, although only a year and a half old, filled up quickly. The 50 beds on the nursing home side are all occupied. The assisted living side, with its 35 apartments, is near capacity. Randy complimented the staff for the success.

Randy, an Ottawa native and Bluffton resident, began working in the nursing home field in Holgate in 1980. He has served as administrator of nursing homes in several cities and even owned two in Virginia. He joined the Vancrest organization four years ago.

Vancrest, owned by ONU alumnus Mark White, now has 13 facilities in northwest and west central Ohio.

Randy's wife, Becky, is in the adult education department at Bluffton University. Their son, Jason, is administrator of the Hilty Home in Pandora. Son Taylor is a trainer for the Iam's Company in Leipsic.

Tara Rutschilling, Vancrest regional manager, will assume the role of Ada Vancrest administrator until a permanent selection is made.  

In addition, Sara Vordermark, assistant administrator, will be exclusively assigned to Ada on a full time basis effective Jan. 1 and will have additional management responsibilities.