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Senior Center news and monthly meeting

The April 2023 issue of the Bluffton Senior Center's Golden Age News notes, "The flowers are blooming and Spring is in the air. I always love Spring, except for the allergies. Winter almost felt like Spring but here’s hoping Spring doesn’t feel like Summer. Happy Easter and happy Spring everyone."

Among announcements for activities and programs is a reminder to members about the monthly dinner meeting:

TIME: Monday, April 10, 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Bluffton Senior Center
WHAT: Our meal will be catered by Debbie Brennam from Norwoods Café. We will have ham loaf, cheesy potatoes, green beans and cupcakes. Cost is $10.00 and reservations need to be made by April 5.
MC: Richard Bucher
PROGRAM: We will have a family choir entertain us.

Interested in joining? Stop by 132 N Main St, Bluffton, or call (419) 358-8971.
