Mark your calendars now to attend "A Victorian Tea," sponsored by the Friends of the Bluffton Public Library. The tea will be held Thursday, April 12, at 5:45 p.m. in the Richland Room of the library at 145 S. Main St., Bluffton.
Christie Weininger, director of the Wood County Historical Center and Museum, will present "The Victorian Secret: The Secret beneath the Shape." The presentation will show examples of the ladies' fashions during the 1870s and 1880s. She will demonstrate how the changing roles of women in society prompted changes in the fashions during the Victorian Era.
Tickets are now on sale for this year's Bluffton Music Boosters chicken barbecue and shrimp dinner planned Friday, March 23, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. (or sell out) at the middle school cafetorium.
Pre-ticket sales are underway at $6.50 per ticket ($7 after March 16). Tickets are available at Greg's Pharmacy and at the middle school and high school offices. This year's meal includes one-half chicken (or seven pieces of shrimp), potato salad, applesauce, dinner roll and a drink.
Here's the state of things at the corner of Bixel and Pandora roads. Straw covers acres of strawberry plants waiting for consistantly warm weather. It's the Suter Produce strawberry field. In early June there will be a traffic jam with people interested in making strawberry jam.
By Mary Pannabecker Steiner
Have you ever noticed how there is always a long line outside the women's restroom at public events?
We wait. And wait. And wait...while the men zip in and out of their own, with nary a line in sight.
Of course, men translate this to mean that we women are taking our time primping. This is not true. Let's just say that the mechanics of emptying one's bladder are more time-consuming for women than for men.
Here's a classic Bluffton High School photo. It is the earliest photo of the entire student body we've ever viewed. To make it even better most of the students are identified, with some extra descriptions tossed it. We've added class graduating years, when known, based upon the graduation list in "A Good Place To Miss: Bluffton Stories 1900-1975."