Three area Mennonite Churches received grants from Everence Financial (formerly Mennonite Mutual Aid) in 2011 to help provide needed financial assistance to help people facing financial challenges.
First Mennonite, Bluffton, received $2,890, Grace, Pandora, received $1,750, and St. John, Pandora, received $3,000.
In 2011, the Everence Sharing Fund gave more than $924,000 in matching grants to 2,049 families across the country.
This 1991 red Corvette hatchback could be parking in your driveway on Sept. 29. It's this year's Bluffton Lions Foundation charity Corvette raffle car. The vehicle's unveiling was March 6. Click for details.
Bluffton will celebrate International Women's Day on Thursday, March 8, with a 7 p.m. concert in the town hall starring feminist and activist Sue Jeffers of Kent, according to Wendy Chappell-Dick.
Eloise Marie (Sommer-Basinger) Kepner, 87, died Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at Walnut Manor in Walnut, Ill. She was born April 8, 1924, in Bluffton, Ohio, to Walter and Cora Gratz Sommer and married Bryan Basinger in 1942.
She lived most of her life in the Bluffton area, working at Triplett Electrical Instrument Company and the Bluffton Senior Citizen Center.
Bluffton voters cast ballots today in Ohio's primary election. Rick Santorum was Bluffton's unofficial Republican voters' winner. Also, unofficially, the Bluffton one-quarter percent capital improvements income tax levy passed.
Bluffton voters overwhelmingly approved a one-quarter percent income tax levy, unofficially 556 for and 248 against on March 6. The yes votes means the village will use the revenue collected over the next 15 years for water and sewer capital improvements.
The tax will start in January 2013, just as the current one-quarter percent tax on the town hall comes off.
Unofficial results by precinct follow:
Precinct Yes No
A 218 82
B 209 60
C 129 106 Total 556 248
It involves musical instruments...drums, reeds, brass, and PCV pipes.
Bluffton eighth grade science students in Dave Bracy's classes created musical instruments using the scientific method this month. Upon finishing their opuses, students, individually or in teams of two, presented their instruments and shared information about them with their classmates.
"Students designed, built and then performed on their instrument in class," said Bracy.
This 1991 red hatchback Corvette with only 54,000 miles on it could be parked in your driveway on Sept. 29.
The Bluffton Lions Foundation unveiled the gem at its March 6 lunch meeting. Here's how it can be yours. Raffle tickets to win the vehicle will be sold now until Sept. 29. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5.
All proceeds from raffle sales go to various charities across northwestern Ohio, according to Dick Ramseyer of the Lions Foundation. This is the third year of the Corvette give-away.