Madlyn V. Marquart Kimmel

Madlyn V. Marquart Kimmel, 89, of Bluffton died at 7:04 a.m. March 10, 2012, at Richland Manor, Bluffton.

She was born in Lima Jan. 21, 1923, the daughter of Faye and Ilo Isham. On Nov. 1, 1942 she married Francis Marquart and he preceded her in death on June 15, 1988. On June 15, 1991 she married Joel Kimmel and he survives in Bluffton.

Note: Our Bluffton High School classmate, Rick Emmert, provides updates from time to time about his experiences in Japan, where he lives.

The following is an e-mail update that we think Icon viewers who know Rick will appreciate. For more details, click on the links.

Dear Family and Friends,

Bluffton's council packet and agenda for Monday's meeting are now on The Icon. One point of business is that Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, says that the village has received notification from the Ohio Public Works Commission that its request for financial assistance has been approved for several water main replacement projects.

In other action, council will consider increasing the prices of cemetery lots at Maple Grove Cemetery.

Chamber discussion

Mitch Kingsley (center) talks with Laura Voth and Doug Luginbill following Friday's chamber breakfast. Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio presented the program and was the breakfast sponsor.

BFR will sponsor a volleyball developmental skills league for girls ingrades 4, 5 and 6 this spring, according to Carole Enneking.

Players for any area school may register individually and will be placed on mixed-age teams for this league. Teams will practice one night per week and matches will be held on Saturdays . One match per team will be scheduled on Saturday, April 21 through May 19.


The 2012 Bluffton University Baseball team and coaching staff want to share appreciation to the stylists of the Curling Iron in Bluffton.

On Wednesday, Feb. 29, they shut their shop down during the lunch hour to come to campus and help us with our BaseBALD event for St. Baldrick's Foundation.

St. Baldrick's invests in childhood cancer research. Our team raised more than $8,000 for St. Baldrick's and on Feb. 29, we concluded our fundraising and awareness campaign by shaving our heads in support of children who have or have had cancer.

Eye on you

The "eye" may have it, but what famous artist does this eye belong? It looks familiar, doesn't it? Think a moment then click here for the rest of the story. The eye is an enlargement of a group grid project by Bluffton seventh graders in Nicole Anderson's art class.

Provided by Steiner & Granger
Insurance and Financial Services
For more information: [email protected]

Historically low mortgage interest rates have prompted many homeowners to think seriously about refinancing, but there's a lot you need to consider before filling out a loan application.

Start by determining why you want to refinance. Is it primarily to reduce your monthly payments?

Injuries and accidents, hospitalization, serious illness, life-changing emergenies...are you prepared to handle life's unexpected obstacles?

Beyond Budgeting ( will host a workshop "Leaving a Love Legacy," from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, March 20, in Room 9-10 at Shawnee Alliance Church, Lima, according to Beth Boehr, of Beyond Budgeting, 119 Vine St., Bluffton.

Tribe players battle for open outfield spot

By Evan Skilliter

Spring training is finally underway.

I had the privilege to get the first spring training experience of my life this week at the ESPN Wide World of Sports' Champion Stadium near Orlando, Florida, where the Atlanta Braves played the Washington Nationals.

It was a day I will never forget, an early reintroduction to the best sport in the world. The sights, sounds, and smells of baseball were tickling my senses once again, after a long winter of anticipation.
