The standings after Game 7 (Dec. 29) of The Icon College Bowl Contest are:

7 correct - Mike Burris.
6 correct - Bill Edwards, Brandon Huber, Duane Bollenbacher, Mark Sommers, Marvin Porter, Robert Rockefeller and Seth Burkholder.
5 correct - Adelyn Althaus, Brian Meyers, David Glick, Doug Schweingruber, Jamie Porter, Matt Amstutz, Phil Keeler and Steve Yarnell.
4 correct - Becky Warren and John Clevidence.
3 correct - Deb Niswander, Debra Porter, Julianne Niswander and Mary Glick.

The Board of Trustees of Bluffton Public Library will hold its annual reorganization meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 6:30 p.m., in the library's Riley Room.

The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers, set the 2012 meeting schedule and approve temporary authorizations for 2012. Library board meetings are open to the public.

For more information, visit the library or call 419-358-5016.

The ArtSpace/Lima Photography Club will present its Annual Juried Exhibition from Jan. 6 through Feb. 18 in The Ellen Nelson Gallery at ArtSpace.

The exhibit will feature 101 photographs by 45 area adult photographers, chosen from an entry list of 198 photographs by 64 photographers. Entry categories include: Animals, Architecture, Black and White, Landscape, Plants, Portraiture, Special Effects, Still Life, Miscellaneous, and Youth. Nine photographs by four youth photographers were also accepted into the show.


Here's an interesting photo set taken in either 1955 or 1956. The location: town hall second floor (Legion Hall). The event: Bluffton Business Men's Association welcome dinner meeting for the Ex-Cell-O Corporation. That building today is owned by Colonial Surface Solutions.

Who do you recognize in the photo?

Is that Clarence or Hiram Diller looking at the camera? Two seats down is Paul Steiner, then Harold Klinger, and Charles Hankish, Sr.


It's a simple white with green background. Do you recognize this state? The Icon spotted this Colorado plate on Main Street last week.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner
A friend recently challenged everyone to admit what percentage of their 2011 resolutions they'd managed to meet. Problem was, I couldn't even remember what I might have resolved, so I had to backtrack through my blogs until I found my answer. I didn't make any. Well, technically, I didn't make any although there was a short list of resolutions I'd have made if I were a resolution maker. Oddly, I actually fulfilled a few of those non-resolutions.


That's right, folks! Time to start a new year. The Icon's wish to all it's viewers: "Have a good one!"

Denise Arleen Hendricks

Denise Arleen Hendricks, 73, of Findlay died at 6:14 p.m. Dec. 29, 2011 at Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay. She was born in Hardin County on Sept. 26, 1938 to Wilmer Harry and Glenona Ruth Hathaway Badertscher and they preceded her in death.

Mrs. Hendricks retired from Lakeview Farms and had owned the Blue Note Restaurant, Lima, D's Diner, Wapakoneta and Savannah's Restaurant, Lima. She had also worked at Triplett Corp, Bluffton. She was a member of the Silver Sneakers, Lima.
