English Lutheran Church, 111 Grove St., will ring in the new year with a special at 11:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 31.

"This informal service of reflection, thanksgiving, and commitment will concludes with all in attendance being given the opportunity to take a turn at ringing the church bell at the stroke of midnight," said Rev. Kevin Mohr, pastor.

For more information please call Mohr at 419-358-2591.

A new year's eve service will be held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jenera. The service begins at 7 p.m. on Dec. 31 and the new year's day service is at 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 1.

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We like to hear this for several reasons. One important reason is that we want potential advertisers to know that we offer several creative ways for you to send your message to our viewers.

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Most popular Icon plate of '11

During 2011 The Icon published nearly 100 license plates. This one received more views than the other 99 or so. It belongs to the Holzheu family and received 418 views. For all 2011 vanity plates click here.

Christmas may be past us but sales in Bluffton are still underway. Check out the sales at Ten Thousand Villages, 115 S. Main St., for example.

What was 25 percent off is now 50 percent off. Several other Main Street businesses offer post-Christmas bargains also this week.

For persons looking for the perfect new year's eve gift, Bluffton chamber gift certificates may answer the question. These are available at Citizens National Bank and may be used anytime during the next 52 weeks.

Belles & Beaux League
Scores bowled on: Dec.18
Men's High Game
Derek Dukes 258
Rick Hermiller 256
Jon Burden 235
Dave Bonnell 226

Women's High Game
Pam Baker 234
Beth Green 223
Cathy Bugner 221
Heather May 206

Men's High Series
Derek Dukes 696
Jon Burden 671
Al Simon 655
Rick Hermiller 646

The winner of Week 8 of The Icon's NFL Contest is Philip Keeler. Philip and Ben Reineke tied with 9 points this week. Philip was declared the winner by virtue of the 4th tie-breaker.

Other contestants:
8 points - Becky Warren and Duane Bollenbacher.
7 points - Dan Smith, Mike Burris and Nancy Armour.
6 points - John Clevidence.

Elvina Wilkins

Elvina Mae Wilkins, 76, died at 6 p.m. Dec. 25, 2011 at Bridge Hospice Care Center, Findlay from complications of a fall in her home. She was born Nov. 5, 1935 in Bluffton to Waldo and Blanche (Criblez) Wilkins.

Elvina lived her entire life in Orange Township, Hancock County, Ohio. She was a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church, Bluffton. During her working years Elvina was employed by the Boss Glove Factory, Bluffton until the company closed and then worked for 25 years at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton.

2012 on the way

Icon viewers live out the final week of 2011. Here's a new year's post card from 1923.

On the Christmas Eve episode of Splendid Table, British food writer Nigel Slater said that while many British cooks talk about trying something completely different for Christmas dinner, they usually resort to the traditional foods, mostly because they need something to carve.

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