Christine Habegger Purves offers this interesting story about proper clothing. The story is reprinted from the Spring newsletter of the Swiss Community Historical Society.

By Christine Habegger Purves

There was a good bit of argument among the early settlers from Mennonite backgrounds as to proper clothing.

My grandmother, Caroline Riesen, married to Christian Baumgartner, liked a bit of lace at the wrists of her plain clothing. She may have added some colored braid to her daughters' aprons.

50 years later

Bluffton High School's class of 1961 celebrated its 50th reunion on July 2. Arlene Garmatter, class member, created these coasters for the event.

Dr. Daniel Kirk of Bluffton Foot and Ankle will hold a toenail clinic at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center on North Main Street.

The clinic, open to area seniors, is at 10 a.m., Monday, July 25. Persons must call for appointments and there is a $10 charge. The Center's number is 419-358-8971.

Stephanie Theis of Hilty Memorial Home, Pandora, will offer instructions for the game of dominos this week at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center.The event is at 10 a.m., Friday, July 18. Once the rules are explained, games will be played. The event is open to the public.

Two community meals are planned for July by the Bluffton Inner Church Board. The meals are Thursday, July 7, and Thursday, July 21. Both are at 6 p.m. in the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, North Main Street.

Admission is free; donations are accepted and will go to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program food pantry.

Bluffton Presbyterian Church will sponsor the July 7 meal; St. Mary's Catholic the July 21 meal.

Icon viewers:

I've begun reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, a book that changed Dad's life. You might find this paragraph interesting:

July comes in like a heat wave. Here's the weather summary for the first four days of July from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date Max temp Min temp Prec
July 1 88 64
July 2 92 71 0.09
July 3 90 68
July 4 89 68


Here's Hiram Kohli in his classic baseball catcher's position. Paul Diller took this photo with the series of Main Street business men. Here's some observations from Charles Hilty about this photo:

Hiram Kohli was an excellent baseball player. He was Ziggy Burcky's catcher in college days and played later on good sand lot teams. I think that A. C. and Hiram used to have a nostalgic game of pitch and catch every spring down on the old college baseball diamond.

1954 - Roger Bannister ran a mile under 4 minutes, Rosa Parks was arrested. Sports Illustrated had it first issue. The Icon spotted this 1954 Ohio license plate at the Wheels Fest.

Has the Bluffton sesquicentennial struck your family history bone. If so, the Bluffton Public Library can help your quest for information.

The Bluffton Public Library has made a flyer available to persons interested in local history and genealogy material. The flyer lists all materials housed in the Shannon Room, which are non-circulating. Persons with questions should ask the library staff.
