Bluffton University has an openign for a head softball coach.
On Friday, May 8,, head softball coach Heather Bruder announced her resignation at the end of the 2014-15 academic year. This coaching change comes against an unfortunate backdrop of a public event that occurred during the May 1 HCAC tournament, as reported by the HCAC commissioner:
A borrowed sawhorse that was broken, and replaced, without the director knowing what had happened. A dead character wheeled off on a dolly, to applause, during a scene change. A rented backdrop coming down during a change and winding up in a pile on the floor backstage during the show.
Those were just a few of the memories—most humorous, others more serious—evoked on May 2 for current and past directors of Bluffton University’s May Day theatrical productions, which date to 1915.
Life after graduation can be a confusing and stressful transition for many college students, but Dr. Karen Longman believes the secret to life can be summarized in one interjection: WAHOO!
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” asked Longman, quoting poet Mary Oliver May 3 at Bluffton University’s 115th annual commencement ceremony.
Margery (Lecrone) Gregg has a simple answer to the question of what keeps bringing her back to the Bluffton campus where she graduated from college in 1940.
“It’s home,” says the Amsterdam, Ohio, resident, 96, who returned again with her daughter and son-in-law, Carol (Gregg ’66) and Jan ’69 Benroth, for Bluffton University’s annual May Day events on May 2.
Dr. Karen A. Longman, program director and professor of doctoral higher education at Azusa (Calif.) Pacific University, will be Bluffton University’s commencement speaker on Sunday, May 3. The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. in the Sommer Center for Health and Fitness Education.
At Azusa Pacific, Longman directs a program that serves just over 100 doctoral students from around the world. She teaches courses including Higher Education Administration, Introduction to U.S. Higher Education, Policy and Politics, and Higher Education Ethics.