The Bluffton Area Ministerial Association invites the community to the Bluffton Community Thanksgiving service Thursday, Nov. 17, following the community Thanksgiving meal at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center.
The community meal begins at 6 p.m., hosted by the English Lutheran Church. The Thanksgiving service will follow immediately at approximately 6:45 p.m.
Rev. Kevin Mohr, pastor of English Lutheran said, "Join us for a service of hymns, prayers and sharing, based on an acrostic of the word THANKS."
Bluffton chamber members last week learned first-hand about Bluffton University’s $26 million Simply Innovate campaign launched in September.
The campaign was introduced to chamber members during the Nov. 11 chamber breakfast, attended by over 60 persons.
Dr. James Harder, Bluffton University president, told those attending the breakfast that the Simply Innovate tagline describes Bluffton University’s faculty, staff and campus community.
In its September Simply Innovate launch, the university also announced a $1-million gift from Greg and Donna Wannemacher.
That declarations made the rounds in Bluffton school district households this week. The elementary honor roll, released today, completes the three honor rolls for the first quarter of the 2016-17 school year.
The elementary honor roll is an attachment at the bottom of this story.
Lonny Kent, a Bluffton police officer, was recognized for 25 years of service on the Bluffton police department during the Nov. 7 Bluffton council meeting.
Police Chief Ryan Burkholder recognized Kent stating: "Kent is a great asset to the department. He specializes in several areas such as firearms, taser and physical fitness instructing."
"Kent is also a crime scene investigator and evidence custodian. He received the MADD from 1995 to 2005," added Burkholder.
Kent joined the Bluffton police department on Nov. 5, 1991.
Village of Bluffton’s Park and Recreation Committee will be meeting Monday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss Resolution No. 20-16: A resolution that the village pond be filled in as soon as possible with construction demolition and other legal materials.
Participants in the fifth annual Giving Tuesday—a global initiative to encourage charitable giving amid holiday consumerism—can, for the third year, direct their generosity to Bluffton University on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
The Bluffton Hospital Auxiliary will be offering delicious double dipped, holiday-themed chocolate covered pretzel rods, called Blazing Rods, during the Bluffton Blaze of Lights on Saturday, Nov. 26.
Blazing Rods will be available at a suggested donation cost of three for $5, and can be purchased outside the Black Lab in downtown Bluffton.
All proceeds benefit the new Women’s Center of Bluffton Hospital.
Pandora United Methodist Church will hold a free community meal on Wednesday, Nov. 30 from 5:30-7 pm. in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora.
The meal this month is provided by The First National Bank of Pandora. The menu is shredded chicken sandwich, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, assorted desserts and beverage.
Bluffton Family Recreation is now accept teams for three holiday soccer tournaments.
Here's holiday soccer tourney schedule:
• High school boys’ tournament is Saturday, Dec. 17
• Adult open tournament is Sunday, Dec. 18
• High school coed tournament is Wednesday, Dec. 21
Contact BFR for details at 419-358-4150 or register online at