During the Beaverdam Bunch 4-H Club meeting on June 18th demonstrations were given by Ella Krupp, Roselove Jebsen, Ethan Leiber, Amber Boop, Jessica Boop, Greta Kauffman, Caitlyn Zimmerman, and Buddy Thebeau. A safety talk was also given by Nathan Hardesty about fire safety.
July 1st is the deadline to get fair entries in if anyone hasn’t gotten those in yet.
If anyone would like to donate any pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House our next meeting will be June 25th at 7:00pm at Bluffton Middle School.
Mark your calendar for National Night Out in Bluffton. It's Tuesday, Aug. 7, at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. Plans are underway, Watch the Icon for complete details. Free admission to the swimming pool is part of the program.
A community fireworks display sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce concludes the event.
Bluffton's Relay for Hope takes place at Bluffton Family Recreation Friday, June 22, from 4 p.m. to midnight with the theme “Hope, Love, Believe, Walk for a Cure,” according to Lynda Best, chair of the event.
Bluffton council's personnel committee will meet at 6 p.m., Monday, June 25, in the third floor of the town hall, according to Laura Ewing, village fiscal officer.
New Leaf Landscape and Garden Center, 0395 State Route 235, Ada, has opening in Saturday’s fairy garden workshops.
The workshops start at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Saturday, June 23. Space is limited. Persons interested in attending either one may call or email for a spot.
The workshop will focus on creating a home for fairies in gardens. Participants may bring their own pot or container or purchase one at New Leaf.
The New Leaf staff will provide soil, and participants will purchase plants and accessories.
Ruth K. Unrau, 96 of Bluffton, died June 20, 2018, at Mennonite Memorial Home in Bluffton. Arrangements are incomplete at Chiles-Laman Funeral & Cremation Services, Bluffton.
Mr. Blueberry, Marlin Gerber, is taking orders from Icon viewers for the popular Michigan blue berry. Here's the details.
Order 10 pound boxes (6 quarts) of fresh Michigan blueberries $25 from [email protected] for pick up at Bluffton First Mennonite Church parking lot, (101 S. Jackson St., Bluffton) Thursday, July 5, from 12:45 to 2 p.m.
Use “Bluffton Blueberries” in subject line.
Please include your phone number. Cash preferred. Rain date Friday, July 6. Place your order by noon, Tuesday, July 3.