March 2019

At the Bluffton Hospital Founding Mothers Dedication Wall

Butterflies fill up a wall just outside the maternity area at Bluffton Hospital. The wall is all about honoring mothers.

The Founding Mothers Wall provides an opportunity for area residents to honor or remember their mother or someone else’s mother, says Sophie Miller, development associate of the Blanchard Valley Health Foundation.

Bluffton Middle School third quarter honor roll is here

Here's the Bluffton Middle School honor roll  for the third quarter fo the 2018-19 school year.

All “A” Honor Roll

6th Grade:  Asa Clingerman, Kaleigh Coffman, Faith Combs, Marek Donaldson, June Essinger, Miona Gardner, Karlee Geesaman, Emma Green, Carter Hohenbrink, Sophia Kauffman, Grace Lemley, Reece Little, Ava McCamery, Gabriel Meza, Ethan Nickel, Jordyn O’Connell, Matthew Piehl, Zoe Shank, Alliyah Shisler, Avery Smith, Logan Smith, Kara Snyder, Blake Sommers, Evan Speicher, Avery Talavinia, Mackay Tuttle, Gracie Yarnell

The Bluffton Area Ministerial Association will host its Good Friday Community Procession of the Cross.

It will begin at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 11:30 a.m. on Good Friday, April 19. It will be followed by the Good Friday service at noon at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.

Watch the Icon for more details.

School lunch menu for April

Are you packing or buying? Check out the school lunch menu for April to decide.

(The french toast sticks coming highly recommended.)

Jim Basinger of Family True Value Hardware, 109 N. Main St., Bluffton, announces the hardware’s bargains of the month. They are listed in the display ad posted above.

Family True Value Hardware’s hours are Mondays through Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The phone number is 419-358-2866.

Meet the Bluffton High School and Junior High spring sports teams. Photos show the following teams:
1 - Baseball
2 - Softball
3 - Track and field
4 - Boys' tennis
5 - Junior high track and field

Ohio Northern University's HealthWise program return to the Bluffton Public Library for a Mobile Health Clinic Friday, March 30, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

This clinic offers free screenings for blood pressure, blood glucose, and lipids (please fast for 12 hours prior to your arrival if you wish to participate in the lipids screening) as well as a bone density screening for osteoporosis.

Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 1, is seeking public comments regarding the following proposed project:

State Route 12, State Route 696, and County Route 6 intersection improvements - ODOT is proposing to purchase right-of-way at the State Route 12, State Route 696, and County Route 6 intersection, just west of the village of Pandora. 

This right-of-way will be used to improve sight distance issues at the intersection for safety purposes and for future maintenance activities along the roadway and roadside.

Allen County Public Health and the Putnam County Health Department announced today that  they have achieved national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). The national accreditation program works to improve and protect the health of the public by advancing and ultimately transforming the quality and performance of the nation’s state, local, Tribal, and territorial public health departments. To date, fewer than 300 health departments have achieved accreditation through PHAB since the organization launched in 2011.

C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest

Bluffton University will hold its annual C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday,  April 3, in Yoder Recital Hall.

Students selected to participate will prepare an oration, no more than ten minutes in length, which applies a peace-church perspective to an issue of contemporary concern.
