Arrival of the butterflies

Butterflies fill up a wall just outside the maternity area at Bluffton Hospital. The wall is all about honoring mothers.

The Founding Mothers Wall provides an opportunity for area residents to honor or remember their mother or someone else’s mother, says Sophie Miller, development associate of the Blanchard Valley Health Foundation.

Butterflies started arriving in 2017 after the establishment of the wall. Today a Founding Mothers Endowment exists through the foundation. Funds donated to the Founding Mothers Wall go to the foundation in support The Women’s Center of Bluffton Hospital.

A butterfly may be purchased with a gift of $1,200, which may be payable in up to 12 $100 installments. Each butterfly carries the name of one of the Founding Mothers. Mothers named on the wall will be listed in the Icon following Mother’s Day 2019.

Mothers or family members will receive a hand-crafted butterfly charm necklace crafted by Kat Luginbuhl, Bluffton artist. These are available for pick-up prior to Mother’s Day.

A Wednesday, May 1, deadline is the due date to have a name added to the wall in time for Mother’s Day 2019, although gifts are accepted throughout the year.

Attached at the bottom of this story is a printer-friendly form for gifts and pledges to the wall. Persons may also click here to give a gift.