December 2020

FDA approves Nightware for sleep problems linked to nightmares

This story provided by Ohio Northern University HealthWise Pharmacy.

(RxWiki News) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a device for sleep problems related to nightmares.

This device is called Nightware. The FDA approved it to temporarily reduce sleep disturbances tied to nightmares.

Nightware is approved for adults who are at least 22 years old and have been diagnosed with nightmare disorder or have nightmares related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Hosted by Riley Creek United Methodist Church

Riley Creek United Methodist Church, 7102 Road M, Ottawa, will conduct a Virtual Christmas Celebration from Sunday, Dec. 6 through Friday, Dec. 11.

Since 1972, the church's annual Carol Sing traditionally has invited all in the community to hear scriptures and sing Christmas carols on the first Sunday in December.

The Bluffton Senior Center is canceling all planned actives for the week of December 7, according to Tonya Meyer, director.

This includes exercise class, line dance class, jam session and dominos.

The Senior Center will still be open for shopping and members to pick up library materials and other one on one services.

"Hopefully, activities can be offered again soon but we will be making decisions on a week by week basis. The governor has asked everyone to stay home except for necessities," said Meyer.  

Pirates travel to Ottoville on Saturday; host Ada next Thursday

By Cort Reynolds
DELPHOS - Following a close first half, the visiting Bluffton girls basketball team was held to just eight more points and lost 54-33 at Delphos Jefferson in the Northwest Conference girls basketball opener Thursday evening.

The Lady Pirates dropped to 2-2 (0-1 NWC) after the defeat, while DJ improved to 3-1 (1-0 NWC) with the win.

Lady Pirate Kylie Monday gave Bluffton a 12-11 first quarter lead on a stickback shot. But freshman Lauren French scored inside to give Jefferson the advantage back for good.

Many items from the DeBow Freed trust and the late Catherine Freed will be in a public auction at 9 a.m., Wednesday, Dec. 9.

Dr. Freed was president of Ohio Northern University for 20 years. He died on Feb. 8, 2020. ONU First Lady Catherine Freed died on Nov. 25, 2016.

Among those items include jewelry, postage stamps, coins and silverware items.

The auction is through the firm of Apple Tree Auction Center, 1625 W. Church St. Newark, Ohio.

Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent: “This new funding formula is very good for public schools across the state of Ohio"

SPECIAL TO BLUFFTON AND ADA ICONS - The Ohio House announced passage of House Bill 305, legislation that provides a comprehensive reform of Ohio’s primary and secondary school funding framework.

House Speaker Bob Cupp (R-Lima), said, “The Ohio House has taken a significant step forward in replacing Ohio’s broken school funding formula with a new, workable framework that is appropriate to meeting the cost of a quality education for all students.”

And, respond to three deer-vehicle accidents in November

Here's the Bluffton police department docket for November, 2020.

Nov. 2
• Officers responded to the 6500 block of North Dixie Highway for a non-injury car vs deer crash.

Nov. 4
• Officers received a civil complaint from a State Route 103 business.
• Officers received a civil complaint from a Bentley Road resident.
• Officers arrested an Ada resident for disorderly conduct.

The 2020 school clock is ticking down. Here are the menus for the remainder of December at Bluffton schools.

Click here.

Watch a virtual program with Kevin Gratz, Dan Bowden and the BHS show choir as the Ream lights officially turn on

Timing for this virtual event is still in the works. Watch the Icon for details as they develop.

Dan Bowden joins a long list of Bluffton switch hitters on Saturday.

In a Saturday, Dec. 5, virtual event, the former fire chief and soon-to-be retiring village employee will turn on the Ream folk art holiday lights.

Bowden has worked for the village of Bluffton for 45 years, where he has served most of those years as Bluffton's water plant operator.

Chamber-sponsored event already had over 50 vehicles in the tour of Bluffton's holiday lights

Most people think of Santa riding in a sleigh. Not, in Bluffton. Here, he rides in a 1920s-era fire truck.

And, you may join Santa on a Saturday evening cruise around town to see the holiday lights.

It's the longest-ever holiday caravan of vehicles in Bluffton. As of Thursday afternoon 53 vehicles were already signed up to participate.

Santa (and maybe Mrs. Claus) will lead the vehicles while they ride in the fire truck. Jon Kinn will drive the couple and the Bluffton police will lead the caravan.

Here’s how to participate:
